Thursday, June 23, 2011

New print

As much as I like to do my own thing, especially with artwork, I need to have some guiding principles when it comes to what I do next. One of the main principles, I've come to learn, is "LISTEN TO YOUR CUSTOMERS"...

So, after getting asked yet one more time at the Stone Arch Festival if I had any prints of Walleyes, I've taken the hint and started a Walleye Whiteline. As with the trout, the first step is to get the image onto a block of wood:

the next step is to carefully trace all the lines with a V-gouge:

stayed tuned for the next steps...

Shows, shows, shows...

...and more shows.
The summer has been taken up with shows. We had a great time at the Stone Arch Festival last weekend (our first year there) and even received an Award of Excellence at the Edina Art Fair two weekends before:

Coming up, I've got a gallery opening at Gallery 123 in River Falls, Wisconsin on July 7th. We'll be at the 38th Annual Stockholm Art Fair July 16th, booth #23 (same as last year), and at Art at St. Kates on Saturday, July 23rd.

It's hectic, but as I've said before, we're having a terrific time meeting some truly great artists and art aficionados...